OI Calculation & Verification for ISO 4589,ASTM D 2863 etc.
Oxygen % 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9
Results(X or O) O X O O O X
Oxygen % 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9
Results(X or O) X X O O O
Clear Data
Calculation and verification
Cf k d OI
OI = Cf+kd = 32.6% + -0.45 X = 32.5%
∑(ci-OI)2 σ 2/3σ 3/2σ
0.125 32.6% -0.45 0.2%

Guidance [Click Me View Video ]

1、Applicable to the calculation of oxygen index using the Dixon up and down method.

2、Default d = 0.2,Click 0.2 to activate the input box for modification.

3、Input the responses of the last 5 results and the number of NL series respones. and NT.

4、Calculation and verification

5、Contact us Email: